In Person help Traditional, instructor-led and offered in a classroom at JCCC

Introduction to Python Programming


Cheryl Roth

What You Will Learn

Python is a dynamic, strongly typed, object-oriented, multipurpose scripting language for the web. In this hands-on course students first learn the basics of writing and running Python scripts and then move into more advanced topics like file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and how to use Python modules. Topics include basic Python language components, the IDLE environment, control flow constructs, strings, I/O, collections, classes, modules, and regular expressions. Prior programming or scripting experience recommended. Understand Simple Variable Declarations, Conditionals and Loops.

In Person help Traditional, instructor-led and offered in a classroom at JCCC


Introduction to Python Programming

Days: TuWTh

Dates: Apr 8-10

Times: 8:00AM-4:00PM

Location: RC, Regnier Center, 253

Other Details

Course Code: BIGDATA-100-32

Category: Data Management

Contact Hours: 21.0

# of Classes: ToDo

Format: Classroom

Credits: ToDo

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