In Person help Traditional, instructor-led and offered in a classroom at JCCC

Information Security Essentials


Cheryl Roth

What You Will Learn

Information Security Essentials is a comprehensive overview of Information Security covering the most relevant practices in information security today. In this class, students explore the techniques and methodologies used to configure, build, deliver, and troubleshoot network security. Topics include the role of information security in the enterprise, formal data classification, enterprise identity management, the components of comprehensive and layered security architecture, and the threat of viruses, worms, Trojans and improper configurations.

In Person help Traditional, instructor-led and offered in a classroom at JCCC


Information Security Essentials

Days: WThF

Dates: Mar 19-21

Times: 8:00AM-4:00PM

Location: RC, Regnier Center, 253

Other Details

Course Code: NETSEC-006-39

Category: Security

Contact Hours: 21.0

# of Classes: ToDo

Format: Classroom

Credits: ToDo

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