In Person help Traditional, instructor-led and offered in a classroom at JCCC

AI Adventures - Intro to machine Learning - Gr. 4-6


Josh Stock

What You Will Learn

Explore the world of artificial intelligence to design fully interactive games and experiences using cutting-edge technology. This program combines artificial intelligence with coding to create an unforgettable learning adventure. Students will construct machine learning models that use image and text recognition within block-based coding software to build a portfolio of projects. Student-created projects will be available on a password-protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program.

In Person help Traditional, instructor-led and offered in a classroom at JCCC


AI Adventures - Intro to machine Learning - Gr. 4-6

Days: MTuWTh

Dates: Jun 2-5

Times: 8:00AM-12:00PM

Location: RC, Regnier Center, 250

Other Details

Course Code: YOUTH-556-1

Category: Youth

Contact Hours: 16.0

# of Classes: ToDo

Format: Classroom

Credits: ToDo

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