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Certificate in Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and Health Promotion (Self-Guided)


ed2go Faculty

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What You Will Learn

Nutrition is a major determinant of health as well as many common chronic diseases. Understanding the role of food and water, and making appropriate changes in one's diet can have powerful effects, both positive and negative, on health throughout life, influencing current health and whether or not an individual develops diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The burden of chronic diseases is rapidly increasing worldwide as traditional, largely plant- based diets are quickly being replaced by high-fat, energy-dense diets with a substantial content of animal-based foods. Hunger and malnutrition also remain devastating problems facing the majority of the world's poor and needy people. The relationship between nutrition and disease is irrefutable. This certificate addresses these issues and more and provides a solid foundation of knowledge and information to support individuals who wish to enhance their own well-being as well as health care professionals who wish to evolve in their profession, create new job opportunities for themselves in the exploding field of nutrition, health promotion, lifestyle coaching, etc.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe the relationship between nutrition, chronic disease, and health promotion.

(12 contact hours)

Expiration Date: 06/01/2025

(Next date of course revision)

No one in a position to control content has conflicts of interests or relevant financial relationships to declare for this activity.

Accreditation refers to recognition of continuing nursing education only and does not imply ALLEGRA approval or endorsement of any commercial product.


American Nurses Credentialing Center

ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

ALLEGRA Learning Solutions courses are acceptable for continuing education in all states.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP 14693, for the stated number of contact hours.

American Board of Managed Care Nursing

The American Board of Managed Care Nursing recognizes all of ALLEGRA Learning Solutions' ANCC accredited courses for continuing education credit for Certified Managed Care Nurses (CMCNs).


ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. To satisfy the requirement for renewal of certification by continuing education for the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE), continuing education activities must be applicable to diabetes and approved by a provider on the NCBDE List of Recognized Providers ( NCBDE does not approve continuing education.

NAADAC (National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors)

ALLEGRA Learning Solutions is an approved provider with the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) (Provider #107194).

Certificate in Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and Health Promotion (Self-Guided)
Course Dates

Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Certificate in Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and Health Promotion (Self-Guided)

98 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: Healthcare Seminars


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: HCOV-940-7

Category: Healthcare Seminars

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

Schedule Details:

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.

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1 The Politics of Food

2 Hunger and Malnutrition

3 Genetically Engineered (Modified) Foods - Safe or Sinister?

4 Food and Mood: What's the Connection?

5 Foodborne Diseases

6 How Safe is Your Water?

7 Nutrition, Toxins, and Chronic Diseases

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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor

Certificate in Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and Health Promotion (Self-Guided)

$199.00 98 Seats Open Online Campus Map Register
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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Certificate in Nutrition, Chronic Disease, and Health Promotion (Self-Guided)

98 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: Healthcare Seminars


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: HCOV-940-7

Category: Healthcare Seminars

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

Schedule Details:

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.