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Human Anatomy and Physiology (Self-Guided)


ed2go Faculty

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What You Will Learn

If the idea of human anatomy and physiology seems scary, don't worry. This course will alleviate any fears you may have by covering these topics in an approachable and relatable format. This course will enable you to feel more confident about how all the intricate functions and systems of the human body work together and connect what you learn about anatomy and physiology to what you already know about your own body. Consider this your user guide to the human body. Some may say you can't live without it!

This course will also cover the major systems of the body and explain how they work and why they don't sometimes. In addition, it will examine different diseases and disorders, recent advances in medicine, and ways to take care of your body. Lessons include real-life examples and interactive exercises, allowing you to think critically about your own experiences and make connections with the lesson. Printable flashcards are used throughout the lessons that provide you with necessary study material to keep for this course and beyond as you continue your education or career. By the end of this course, you will have a greater appreciation and understanding of the marvelous complexity of the human body.

Human Anatomy and Physiology (Self-Guided)
Course Dates

Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Human Anatomy and Physiology (Self-Guided)

98 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: Healthcare Seminars


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

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Course Code: HCOV-941-7

Category: Healthcare Seminars

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

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After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.

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1 Introduction to the Living Processes

Our first lesson will introduce you to the fascinating subject of human anatomy and physiology. Since chemical reactions drive all of our bodies' functions, you will start by reviewing some basic chemistry. Finally, you will learn about homeostasis-that drive humans have to keep many different variables (like temperature and blood pressure) within a narrow range. By the time you're done with this lesson, you will be ready to learn more about the structure and function of our bodies.

2 The Human Cell

The smallest living unit of the body is the cell. It's so amazing, it deserves a lesson of its own. Even though almost all cells are microscopic, they're jam-packed with many different kinds of organelles and surrounded by complex membranes.

3 Understanding Heredity

This lesson tackles the subject of heredity. It's probably the most technical of all the lessons because it explores genetics. You will learn how genes determine your physical and mental characteristics, and how your parents' genetic material determine these traits. Then you will meet a man who lived in the 1800's-Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics-because his insights paved the way for our modern understanding of heredity.

4 The Nervous System

This lesson introduces the nervous system. You will learn how it's organized, its different jobs, and the structures that make thinking, feeling, and moving possible. You will also learn how the nervous system works when we think we're in danger or we've suddenly been affected by physical pain. You will use your chemistry knowledge in this chapter in looking at how nervous impulses are transmitted. Finally, you will learn about nervous system disorders -what causes them and their effects.

5 The Skeletal System

Our bones have several functions, and some aren't so obvious. For example, did you know that red blood cells are made in your bones? Or that bones store minerals that are essential for the function of your nerves and muscles? This lesson explores the structure and function of bones, different types of joints, and the amazing structure of your spinal column. You will learn about some common disorders of this system and what you can do to keep your bones strong.

6 The Muscular System

Like the skeletal system, the muscular system is crucial for movement, but it has other functions, too. Muscles are also a lot more complicated than they appear. You will learn why even simple movements involve chemical reactions and a close coordination between this system and the nervous system. In the last chapter, you will learn about several common injuries to different parts of the muscular system.

7 The Respiratory System

This lesson focuses on the respiratory system in this lesson. As you're probably aware, it's the group of organs that allow you to get that crucial substance-oxygen-to all the cells in our body. But your respiratory system has some other functions that this lesson touches on. You will learn about the anatomy of your respiratory organs and which muscles are crucial for breathing. You will also become aware of the differences between ventilation, external respiration, internal respiration, and cellular respiration.

8 The Circulatory System

There's so much to learn about the circulatory system. This lesson explores the composition of blood, the various blood cells, and the different kinds of blood vessels in your body. Of course, the heart is a crucial part of the circulatory system, so you will learn about its chambers, valves, coronary vessels, and electrical system. You will learn how blood travels around the body and its important functions. You will finish this lesson knowing the importance of taking care of this organ system.

9 The Lymphatic System and Fighting Disease

In today's very interesting lesson, you will learn all about the disease-fighting ability of your body. The human body also has a system of vessels (similar to blood vessels) called the lymphatic system. You will learn about its disease-fighting role as well as some of its other functions. You will learn about some of the other organs in your body that are involved in the battle against disease. This lesson concludes with the different ways the body's disease-fighting ability can be compromised and why sometimes the body turns on its own cells.

10 The Integumentary and Urinary Systems

This lesson takes a closer look at two different organ systems-the integumentary system (the skin) and the urinary system. Both of these systems work to get rid of waste products that wo

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Human Anatomy and Physiology (Self-Guided)

$169.00 98 Seats Open Online Campus Map Register
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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Human Anatomy and Physiology (Self-Guided)

98 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: Healthcare Seminars


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: HCOV-941-7

Category: Healthcare Seminars

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

Schedule Details:

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.