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Employment Law Fundamentals (Self-Guided)


ed2go Faculty

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What You Will Learn

Learn the basics of employment law so you can legally hire, evaluate and manage employees as a manager, supervisor, small business owner, human resource specialist, or corporate executive. This course will explain the difference between an employee and independent contractor: the basic types of employee benefits; effective hiring; evaluation, and termination procedures; methods to resolve employment disputes in and out of court; discrimination and union laws; and workplace safety rules.

You will gain an inside view of the law with court examples, real situations, and prevention strategies that prepare you to effectively resolve workplace issues. You will learn effective communication techniques, negotiation strategies, and what to expect if you do go to court. This course is a must for anyone who is (or aspires to be) a supervisor, manager, or human resources professional.

Employment Law Fundamentals (Self-Guided)
Course Dates

Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Employment Law Fundamentals (Self-Guided)

98 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: HR Management


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: HR-911-7

Category: HR Management

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

Schedule Details:

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.

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Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323 to register now or please visit us later.

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1 Employee or Independent Contractor?

2 Employment Benefits

3 Hiring Practices

4 Evaluating Employees

5 Employment Disputes

6 Employment Disputes in Court

7 Discrimination and Title VII

8 More Discrimination Laws

9 Labor Unions

10 Labor Negotiations

11 Workplace Safety

12 Legal Compliance

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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor

Employment Law Fundamentals (Self-Guided)

$169.00 98 Seats Open Online Campus Map Register
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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Employment Law Fundamentals (Self-Guided)

98 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: HR Management


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: HR-911-7

Category: HR Management

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

Schedule Details:

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.