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Advanced Python (Self-Guided)


ed2go Faculty

See Course Dates

What You Will Learn

What you will learn

  • Lambda functions
  • Advanced list comprehensions
  • The collections module
  • Mapping and filtering
  • Sorting sequences

How you will benefit

  • Obtain the experience needed to take your Python programming skills to an advanced level
  • Boost your résumé
  • Open the door to new freelance and employment opportunities at companies nationwide
Advanced Python (Self-Guided)
Course Dates

Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Advanced Python (Self-Guided)

99 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: Data Management


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: BIGDATA-907-3

Category: Data Management

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.

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  1. Advanced Python Concepts
    1. Lambda Functions
    2. Advanced List Comprehensions
    3. Exercise: Rolling Five Dice
    4. Collections Module
    5. Exercise: Creating a defaultdict
    6. Counters
    7. Exercise: Creating a Counter
    8. Mapping and Filtering
    9. Mutable and Immutable Built-in Objects
    10. Sorting
    11. Exercise: Converting list.sort() to sorted(iterable)
    12. Sorting Sequences of Sequences
    13. Creating a Dictionary from Two Sequences
    14. Unpacking Sequences in Function Calls
    15. Exercise: Converting a String to a Object
    16. Modules and Packages
  2. Regular Expressions
    1. Regular Expression Tester
    2. Regular Expression Syntax
    3. Python's Handling of Regular Expressions
    4. Exercise: Green Glass Door
  3. Working with Data
    1. Virtual Environment
    2. Relational Databases
    3. Passing Parameters
    4. SQLite
    5. Exercise: Querying a SQLite Database
    6. SQLite Database in Memory
    7. Exercise: Inserting File Data into a Database
    8. Drivers for Other Databases
    9. CSV
    10. Exercise: Finding Data in a CSV File
    11. Creating a New CSV File
    12. Exercise: Creating a CSV with DictWriter
    13. Getting Data from the Web
    14. Exercise: HTML Scraping
    15. XML
    16. JSON
    17. Exercise: JSON Home Runs
  4. Testing and Debugging
    1. Testing for Performance
    2. Exercise: Comparing Times to Execute
    3. The unittest Module
    4. Exercise: Fixing Functions
    5. Special unittest.TestCase Methods
  5. Classes and Objects
    1. Attributes
    2. Behaviors
    3. Classes vs. Objects
    4. Attributes and Methods
    5. Exercise: Adding a roll() Method to Die
    6. Private Attributes
    7. Properties
    8. Exercise: Properties
    9. Objects that Track their Own History
    10. Documenting Classes
    11. Exercise: Documenting the Die Class
    12. Inheritance
    13. Exercise: Extending the Die Class
    14. Extending a Class Method
    15. Exercise: Extending the roll() Method
    16. Static Methods
    17. Class Attributes and Methods
    18. Abstract Classes and Methods
    19. Understanding Decorators
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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor

Advanced Python (Self-Guided)

$199.00 99 Seats Open Online Campus Map Register
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Online help Learning at your own pace, or facilitated by an instructor


Advanced Python (Self-Guided)

99 Seats Open

Selected Course


Course type: Data Management


Location: Online Campus Map

Contact Hours: 24.0

Other Details

Course Code: BIGDATA-907-3

Category: Data Management

Contact Hours: 24.0

Format: Online

After registering for this course, you can come back to the catalog to register for more courses.

Issues with registering? Please contact us at or call 913-469-2323.